In March of 2023, Ballet 5:8 will be coming to His Feet Dance.
The Ballet
Students, friends and families from His Feet Dance's community are invited to Ballet5:8's world premiere of "BareFace" at Connection Church in Canton, MI on Saturday, March 11 at 7PM.Ballet5:8 is a Chicago-based Christian ballet company with the mission to engage communities across the nation in conversation of life and faith through innovative storytelling and breathtaking dance. Ballet5:8 creates original and honest ballets with themes of compassion and empathy ushering audiences to experience the heart of God right in the theater!
"BareFace" is based on Lewis' last novel, Till We Have Faces, in which Lewis took an old classic myth and reinterpreted the familiar story of Cupid and Psyche to show the love of Christ. This daring and new faith-based story ballet takes the audience on a journey to ask and discover what love really means.
1 Corinthians 13:12-13 reads, "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." While we live in this world, our self-reflection is marred by sin. We cannot truly see ourselves because of our limitless ability to self-justify. Only God truly sees us bare-faced and knows the depths of our hearts.
The breathtaking storytelling in Ballet5:8's BareFace challenges us to release jealousy and embrace the truly selfless love of Jesus. The full-length story ballet is brought to life by costume designer Lorianne Robertson, set designs by Graham Louthan and projections by Sarah L. Freeman.
As a friend or family at His Feet Dance's community, you can use a special code "HISFEETDANCE" to bring all tickets down to $15!
In addition, His Feet Dance will be hosting Ballet 5:8 for a morning of masterclasses on March 11 before the show. The masterclasses will proceed as follows: